Telehealth Physical Therapy
Click here or call at (858) 215-3088 to set up a Telehealth appointment today!
What is Telehealth?
Telehealth is the delivery of healthcare services utilizing communication technology.
Joe Mahon Mobile PT utilizes HIPAA compliant technology to ensure your privacy is secure.
How does telehealth work?
We will have a face to face conversation about your issue, just like we would in person.
You will be asked to go through a series of movements and tests for a comprehensive examination. After you are evaluation, a home program, complete with videos to follow along with will be prescribed.
Every time you complete your exercises, it is automatically logged online, along with any comments or questions you may have.
Follow up appointments are scheduled once a week or every other week depending on your needs.
You are able to communicate with us through secure messaging whenever you need while under our care!
What are the benefits to Telehealth?
Busy schedule?
Access to care when and where you need it.
Acute Injury?
Get quick advice on what steps to take next.
Telehealth allows you to quickly schedule a face to face consultation.
Ready to self manage, but need some guidance?
After our evaluation, you will be given a home program, complete with videos and progress tracking.
You will always be able to contact your physical therapist via our HIPPA compliant messaging or by scheduling another face to face session.
Telehealth is a cost effective solution
Your out of pocket expenses can add up going through the traditional route or seeing your physician and setting up physical therapy appointments. Also consider your time to take off of work and drive to each of these appointments!
Access to certified specialists.
Geographic limitations can limit your ability to see the health care provider that is right for you.
Telehealth allows for you to consult with the expert you need, despite geographic limitations.
What if I need a hands on approach?
Your success is our #1 priority. If it is determined that Telehealth is not appropriate for you, we will make an appropriate recommendation to get the care you need!
What if I don't live in California
In order to receive Telehealth services from Joe Mahon Mobile Physical Therapy, you must be physically located in the state of California. This is due to licensing restrictions.
We are actively working on expanding our geographic reach! Check back or shoot us a message to determine if you can receive Telehealth services from Joe Mahon Mobile Physical Therapy.
Do I need a prescription?
No. If our sessions last beyond 45 days then you will need a prescription to continue. We can help direct you to obtain this.