We treat the following, and more!

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+ Ankle Pain

  • What do I do if I hurt my ankle?

    If you are unable to bear weight you should consider going to the ER or an Urgent Care Center to obtain X-Rays.

  • Can physical therapy help with my ankle pain?

    Physical therapy can help to improve your range of motion, strength, proprioception, and decrease swelling. Physical therapy can also do way more! It can help get you moving again by restoring the natural function of your body!

  • How long will it take for my ankle to recover?

    It depends. Many things factor into your body's recovery. Acute ankle pain can be resolved in as little as 1 visit. If this is a chronic issue it may take longer. If you have had surgery it may take anywhere between 3-8 months to return to your normal activity.

+ ACL Reconstruction

  • Do I need surgery if I tore my ACL?

    It really depends on your individual goals. People that have torn their ACL can be divided into two groups: Copers and Non-Copers. Non-Copers typically need surgery, however may eventually turn into copers with proper training. Copers are able to continue on through their everyday life without having a surgically reconstructed ACL. Your physical therapist can help determine which category you fit into based on specific questions and testing. There is also specific criteria, that if met, will allow you to return to high level sport in season following specific training!

    If you do tear your ACL and decide you want to attempt non operative management you should still concsult with an orthopedic surgeon. The fact is though that not many surgeons are aware of the copius research that supports non operative management of ACL tears both here in the United States and abroad. If you meet this criteria and would like to move foward non operatively we can work together to help educate your surgeon on our treatment plan.

  • How much physical therapy will I need if I tore my ACL?

    Current research suggests you wait 1 year before returning to competition. Physical therapy should begin prior to surgery until all impairments are resolved. This includes full range of motion, swelling, strength, and gait pattern. The timeline for "prehab" or pre-surgical rehabilitation can last any where between 1-6 weeks. Remember, everyone's injury is unique and different.

    Following sugery you should see a physical therapist 2-3x per week for 8-12 weeks with a focus on quadriceps strength, gait retraining, and improving full range of motion. After roughly 12 weeks you can begin to branch off on your own but will require regular follow ups over the course of a year to ensure your muscles are strong and you are not developing faulty movement patterns. If you plan to return to sport, it is highly reccomended you partake in a researched return to sport program to decrease the likelihood of re-injury.

  • How long will it take before I can run again after I tore my ACL?

    You should not begin running until your quadriceps has 80% strength as the uninjured side. This typically occurs between 8-12 weeks. This criteria allows you be begin a slow walk-run progression on a treadmill. You should not attempt to begin this progression without careful supervison from your physical therapist as your knee may still be vulnerable at this time.

  • How long before I can return to sports after I tore my ACL?

    Typically it is 1 year before you can return to full competition.

  • What is the best graft choice for an ACL reconstruction?

    This option depends on many factors. There are pro's and con's to each graft choice. After you find a surgeon that you like, it is best to follow thier advice. Your surgeon will be able to educate you on thier though process for graft selection. It is usually wise to have a graft your surgeon completes most frequently. If your surgeon mostly does bone patellar tendon bone autografts and you want a hamstring graft, you may want to choose a different surgeon. I am happy to discuss the pro's and con's from a rehab perspective in depth via telephone!

  • Will I need to wear a brace after surgery?

    You will hear wide variety of information about braces. Some people think they are absolutely required and others see no benefit. The research is varied. I would reccomend wearing a Don Joy ACL Reaction brace in your first year of rehab and return to sport training. There is not much down side to wearing the brace and typically the brace maker has some sort of guarntee in the unfortunate event of a re-tear.

+ Ergonomic Evaluation

  • How can an ergonomic evaluation reduce my pain?

    Your work station can result in pain and dysfunction by placing your body in less than optimal positions and causing repetitive stress. This can be corrected by having a professional evaluate you in the work place and make adjustments specific to your needs.

  • Who can help me with an ergonomic evaluation?

    Physical Therapy can help make the needed corrections. It is best to contact HR and involve them in the process and make them aware that there is a problem.

+ Health and Wellness

  • Who can provide health and wellness services for me?

    Health and wellness should be provided by a qualified medical provider. This includes your physical therapist!

  • What is a health and wellness evaluation?

    Health and wellness involves looking at your whole body to determine individual needs for a healthy life style! A comprehensive examination of your musculoskeletal, integumentary (skin), and cardiopulmonary systems will be part of your examination.

+ Injury Prevention

  • What is the best injury prevention program?

    One that is based in research and evidence. There are some really great injury prevention programs that have prooven results. Two excellent ones are the FIFA 11+ and Santa Monica PEP Program. There are many others that have been developed specific to sport and body injury that are too exhaustive to list. The most important criteria for choosing which program is right for you lies in the evidence! I am happy to discuss which program would be right for you or your team!

  • Can runners or cyclists benefit from injury prevention?


  • Is injury prevention completed in groups or individually?

    Injury prevention can be completed on either a group or individual level. Injury prevention programs work best when compliance from your whole team is involved. This means getting coaches, parents, players, and administration involved in the injury prevention process!

+ Low Back Pain

  • How do I fix my low back pain?

    You can start by addressing it early. The quicker you seek treatment the quicker your pain will resolve. Do not just assume that your pain will go away on its own. Complex or chronic pain calls for a more complex solution. Either way an individual plan based on your deficits is important to improve your lifesyle.

  • What causes low back pain?

    There are many factors that can cause your low back pain. Often times simply obtaining a picture (X-Ray or MRI) will not give you an answer. This is a complex idea to wrap your mind around for many people. Well the simple fact is that your spine is complicated. A physical therapist can help reduce your pain and improve your lifestyle by completing a comprehensive examination to deliver optimal treatment.

  • Can physical therapy help my low back pain?

    Yes! Physical therapy has been proven to decrease your pain and improve your lifestyle. It is important to remember though that there may not be a quick fix if you are suffering from chronic pain. No one can guarantee you complete pain relief if you are suffering from chronic low back pain, as you may already know. Physical therapy will result in improved mobility and strength which will allow you to return to your life!

  • What do I do if I have pain going into my legs?

    It is possible that these symptoms are coming from your low back. Utilizing physical therapy as a first line provider for low back pain has been proven to result in quicker, more effective results. Contact your physical therapist to see how your symptoms can be treated.

+ Knee Pain

  • What causes knee pain?

    Knee pain can be caused by a variety of resons. Decreased strength, poor mobility, and biomechanical faults are among the top reasons people have knee pain.

  • How do I fix my knee pain?

    Your physical therapist can help to imrpove your strength, mobility and biomechanical faults. Physical therapy will help to improve these deficits.

  • Can physical therapy help my knee pain?

    Physical therapy can work with you to design a specific treatment plan and get you back to your lifestyle!

  • Is it normal for my knee to swell after walking or exercising?

    Yes and No. If there is pathology of your knee, the body responds by causing inflammation. A balance between too much exercise and too litte exercise needs to be reached to limit the amount of swelling produced following activity. Physical therapy can help to design this type of plan for you as well as provide interventions to decrease your swelling.

+ Muscle Injuries

  • What causes muscle ache?

    Muscle ache can be caused by over or underuse. Your muscles may be fatigued from overcompensation. Ache can also be caused by tightness of your muscles. It is not uncommon to have muscle soreness following a work out of physical therapy session but it is important to differentiate between pain and soreness.

  • Can physical therapy help decrease my muscle pain?

    Muscle pain can be improved by stretching, strengthening, ice, massage, and joint mobilizations.

+ Neck Pain

  • How do I fix my neck pain?

    Similar to low back pain you can start by addressing it early. The quicker you seek treatment the quicker your pain will resolve. Do not just assume that your pain will go away on its own. Complex or chronic pain calls for a more complex solution. Either way an individual plan based on your deficits is important to improve your lifestyle.

  • What causes neck pain?

    There are many factors that can cause your neck pain. Often times simply obtaining a picture (X-Ray or MRI) will not give you an answer. This is a complex idea to wrap your mind around for many people. Well the simple fact is that your spine is complicated. A physical therapist can help reduce your pain and improve your lifestyle by completing a comprehensive examination to deliver optimal treatment.

  • Can physical therapy help my neck?

    Yes! Physical therapy has been proven to decrease your pain and improve your lifestyle. It is important to remember though that there may not be a quick fix if you are suffering from chronic pain. No one can guarantee you complete pain relief if you are suffering from chronic neck pain, as you may already know. Physical therapy will result in improved mobility and strength which will allow you to return to your life!

  • What do I do if I have pain going into my arms?

    It is possible that these symptoms are coming from your neck. Utilizing physical therapy as a first line provider for low back pain has been proven to result in quicker, more effective results. Contact your physical therapist to see how your symptoms can be treated.

+ Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

  • What is Patellofemoral pain syndrome?

    Patellofemoral pain syndrome refers to pain that is felt in the front (anterior) of your knee. Often the pain moves around the knee cap and it is difficult to put your finger on the location of pain.

  • Can physical therapy help with patellofemoral pain syndrome?

    Yes! Physical therapy will address your patellar mobility, strength, and range of motion. Often patellofemoral pain is the result of poor tracking of your knee cap on your lower leg. This occurs as a combination of poor quadriceps strength, muscle activation, and biomechanics.

  • Why does my knee hurt when I run?

    You can experience knee pain while running due to poor biomechanics of your lower body in addition to poor strength and muscle activation. A running analysis in addition to orthopedic evaluation can help eliminate your pain.

  • Why does my knee hurt when I limb stairs?

    This is a common complaint for people with patellofemoral pain. Going up or down stairs puts stress through your knee cap. If you have poor strength or faulty biomechanics will increase the stress over a small location resulting in cartilage breakdown and pain.

  • Why does my knee hurt when I exercise?

    Pretty much for the same reasons as above. Poor quad strength and faulty biomechanics are the usual culprits in patellofemoral pain.

+ Post Concussion Syndrome

  • What are some signs and symptoms of a concussion?

    Here are some of the signs and symptoms:

    • Headache or a feeling of pressure in the head
    • Temporary loss of consciousness
    • Confusion or feeling as if in a fog
    • Amnesia surrounding the traumatic event
    • Dizziness or "seeing stars"
    • Ringing in the ears
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Slurred speech
    • Delayed response to questions
    • Appearing dazed
    • Fatigue
    • Concentration and memory complaints
    • Irritability and other personality changes Sensitivity to light and noise Sleep disturbances Psychological adjustment problems and depression Disorders of taste and smell
  • What should I do after I sustain a concussion?

    Current reccomendations are to get rest for the first 24-48 hours. It is imporant to rest your brain and your eyes following a concussion. This does not mean locking yourself in a dark room. You should however avoid aggrevating stimulus such as loud noise, lights, and computer screens until you are feeling better. Most people who sustain a concussion do sponaneously recover within 10 days.

  • Do I need to see a medical doctor after a concussion?

    It is always an excellent idea to see your medical doctor (MD/DO) following a concussion to help guide your treatment. Remember, a concussion is a brain injury and should be treated very seriously.

  • Can physical therapy help with a concussion?

    Physical therapy plays a strong role in recovery from a concussion. If you are one of the unfortune individuals that have symptoms beyond 10-14 days physical therapy can be of significant benefit. Physical therapy will address your vestibular system, cervical spine, and tolerance to activity as appropriate.

+ Post-Operative Conditions

  • Can physical therapy help me after surgery?
    Yes! Following surgery physical therapy will help ensure to achieve full strength and mobility to return to your normal life. Physical therapy will also help to identify the cause of your problem that led to surgery in in order to prevent a repeat injury.

+ Pre-Operative Consultation

  • Do I need physical therapy before surgery?
    Physical therapy prior to surgery or "Pre-hab" has well documented benefits. The stronger and more mobile your body is before surgery the better you will do afterwards!

+ Return to Sport Training

  • How do I return to sport following an injury?

    Carefully. Really there should be a coordination between you and an exercise expert that has knowledge of rehabilitation, such as a physical therapist. Your return to sport should start slow as your body works on the basic foundational movements your sport requires.

  • Can I hurt myself returning to sport too early after an injury?

    Often times people rush back to sport too quickly because they are feeling good. It is imporant that there is objective measureable strength and range of motion gains in addition to restoration of normal biomechanics. If you go back prior to achieving these goals you are putting yourself at a higher risk for re-injury.

  • How do I know if I should return to sport after an injury?

    Talk to your physical therapist and have specific testing completed.

  • Can physical therapy help me return to sport following an injury?

    Your physical therapist will work closely to ensure your body and mind are absolutely appropriate to return.

+ Shoulder Pain

  • What causes shoulder pain?

    There are many pain generators in the shoulder that can cause a change in your lifestyle. Careful examination can help determine your individual needs.

  • Can physical therapy help decrease my shoulder pain?

    Once your shoulders dyfunction is identifed, your physical therapist can work to decrease your symptoms.

  • Can my shoulder pain be coming from my neck?

    It is possible. The nerves that come out of your neck run down and across your shoulder. A thorough examination will help to decide where your shoulder pain is coming from.

+ Tendonitis/Tendinopathy

  • What is a tendon?

    Tendon is tissue that connects muscle to bone.

  • What is the difference between tendonitis and tendinopathy?

    "Itis" refers to inflammation. "Pathy" refers to a disorder. Usually tendonitis turns into tendinopathy if there is no treatment. The main difference is that anti-inflammatory medication will not change tendonopathy while it should reduce pain from tendonitis.

  • Can physical therapy help reduce my pain from Tendonitis/Tendinopathy?

    Abosolutely. There are physical treatments than can help reduce tendonitis. Tendinopathy requires heavy loading of the tendon to allow your body to remodle the damaged tissue.

  • Are PRP (platelet rich plasma) and STEM cell injections helpful to treat Tendonitis/Tendinopathy?

    There is currently no strong evidence to support the use of PRP or STEM cell injections to improve your pain. Anecdotal information has shown some success. Besides cost, there usually is not much downside to recieving these types of treatments. Keep in mind that even with a PRP or STEM cell injection, there is no substitue for mechanical loading (exercise) of your tendon.

+ Total Hip Replacement (THA)

  • How do I know if I need a knee or hip replacement?

    You should consult with an orthopedic surgeon to discuss your options. Your symptoms should guide treatment, rather than imaging. If you are moving around and participating in your normal activity you may not need a hip replacement.

  • How long will I be in the hospital following my joint (hip) replacement?

    It varies based on the complexity of your situation. Most people are up and walking the next day and do not spend more than 5 days in the hospital. Some people go home within 1-2 days following surgery.

  • Do I need physical therapy following my joint (hip) replacement?

    Physical therapy can help to push your body in a controlled environment that will not cause any harm to your body. Joint replacement is a major surgery and will need some skilled care to maximize your recovery.

  • How long should I wait to begin physical therapy following my joint (hip) replacement?

    If there are no complications you should begin immediately. It is often a good idea to have your physical therapy appointment set up prior to having the surgery so there is no delay in care.

  • Is it normal to have pain following my joint (hip) replacement?

    Yes. Joint replacement is a major surgery. People do experience pain following surgery. A controlled rehabilitation program will help to decrease your pain and mobility at a much quicker rate.

  • When will my hip feel normal my joint (hip) replacement?

    Between 4-12 months. Everyone is different. Most people recover much quicker than the 4-12 mark however it is usually around the 1 year mark that people no longer remember they had their hip replaced.

+ Total Knee Replacement (TKA)

  • How do I know if I need a knee replacement?

    You should consult with an orthopedic surgeon to discuss your options. Your symptoms should guide treatment, rather than imaging. If you are moving around and participating in your normal activity you may not need a knee replacement.

  • How long will I be in the hospital following my joint (knee) replacement?

    It varies based on the complexity of your situation. Most people are up and walking the next day and do not spend more than 5 days in the hospital. Some people go home within 1-2 days following surgery.

  • Do I need physical therapy following my joint (knee) replacement?

    Physical therapy can help to push your body in a controlled environment that will not cause any harm to your body. Joint replacement is a major surgery and will need some skilled care to maximize your recovery.

  • How long should I wait to being physical therapy following my joint (knee) replacement?

    If there are no complications you should begin immediately. It is often a good idea to have your physical therapy appointment set up prior to having the surgery so there is no delay in care.

  • Is it normal for my knee to swell following my joint (knee) replacement?

    Yes. The swelling is normal can take a couple of months to resolve.

  • Is it normal to have pain following my joint (knee) replacement?

    Yes. Joint replacement is a major surgery. People do experience pain following surgery. A controlled rehabilitation program will help to decrease your pain and mobility at a much quicker rate.

  • When will my knee feel normal my joint (knee) replacement?

    Between 4-12 months. Everyone is different. Most people recover much quicker than the 4-12 mark however it is usually around the 1 year mark that people no longer remember they had their hip replaced.

+ Upper and Lower Extremity Pain

  • Can physical therapy help with my upper body or lower body pain?
    Yes. Depending on the specifics of your pain physical therapy can help to alleviate many of your symptoms.

+ Vertigo and Dizziness

  • What is vertigo?

    Vertigo is the sensation of spinning. Many people with vertigo may feel dizzy.

  • What causes vertigo?

    There are many things that can cause vertigo. It is important to ensure your vertigo or dizziness is not coming from your brain. This means consulting with your doctor to screen for pathology.

  • Can physical therapy help cure my vertigo or dizziness?

    Yes! There are many physical treatments and exercises that can alleviate your symptoms. It is important that a comprehensive examination takes place to identify and treat your cause of dizziness.

  • What is BPPV?

    It stands for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. You have canals in your inner ear that function to tell your eyes, neck, and head where they are in space. BPPV occurs when a tiny crystal from the base of your canals gets loose and stuck into one of the canals. This causes the sensation of dizziness. The good news it that BPPV is easily fixed!

  • What is the Epley Maneuver?

    The Epley Maneuver is performed to remove a free floating or lodged crystal from your inner ear back where it belongs.

  • Can I perform the Epley Maneuver myself?

    It is not reccomended. It is possible that you could accidentily move the crystal from one canal to another, resulting in a worsening of symptoms. The Epley Manuver shold be performed only by a trained individual.

  • I had the Epley maneuver performed and I am still dizzy. Why?

    The most likely explaination is that your body needs time to adjust back to its normal state. It is also possible that your dizziness is multifactorial and BPPV is only a part of your problem. Less frequently individuals can have a disorder called reccurent BPPV which may require regular repositionings as well as lifestyle changes.